Program Guide This Japanese-language program, Commentary on “The Tale of Genji” with Readings, is designed to convey what makes The Tale of Genji so fascinating, and to encourage people to pick up a copy and read it for themselves. The program features excerpts of some of the most intriguing parts from each chapter, with commentary by Junko Yamamoto, a Murasaki Shikibu researcher, and readings by Yuori Saito, whose array of activities include professional stage readings. English-language synopses of each chapter and summaries of the commentary on the excerpted sections are provided. Speakers of Japanese as a second language are encouraged to reference them when listening to the program. The 54 chapters of The Tale of Genji are generally divided into three parts, with the first part (chapters 1-33) depicting the life of Hikaru Genji—sometimes called “Shining Genji” in English—from his birth to his rise to ascendancy. The second part (chapters 34-41) depicts Hikaru Genji’s anguished later years, and the third part (chapters 42-54) features instead his son Kaoru as the protagonist. Chapters 45 to 54 are set in Uji and are called “Uji Chapters.” Listen from here。→